The “I give paw and heart”
In March, started the charity project “I give paw and heart,” aims to help the animal shelter “SOS”, in the village. Pirogovo, which houses about 1,000 dogs and 200 cats.
The project aims to draw public attention to the problem of stray animals. It is believed that taking care of the animals – a sign of conscious and socially responsible society! These helpless animals need special attention and support and we want to make their life more happy and comfortable. After being on the streets for various reasons, they, like people, need every day except food and warm accommodation, and care and love.
To realize the goal of the “I give paw and heart! ‘Required amount of cash in the amount of about 200 000 UAH, which will provide decent living conditions of animals in the shelter” SOS ».
Planned to rebuild the promenade, repair and purchase of animals booths, buy medicines, heaters and boilers, equipment for washing and cleaning the shelter and its surrounding areas.
A tour for children and parents to promote education shelters sensitivity towards animals. For children with disabilities is planned to organize a pet-therapy.
When opted in to our project “I give paw and heart!”, Everyone can show the best side of his soul, to show their concern and compassion. The project allows everyone to make a contribution to financial or material assistance animals.
Get involved noble goal!
Реквізити компанії/Company details |
Найменування компанії/company Name |
Рахунок компанії в банку/The bank account of the company |
26003057002716 |
Найменування банку/Name of the bank |
ПриватБанк, Дніпро, Privatbank, Dnipro, Ukraine |
SWIFT Code банку/Bank SWIFT Code |
Адреса компанії/Company address |
UA 03150 м. Київ, вулиця Велика Васильківська, б.56-Б Кiev, Velyka Vasylkyvska str. 56-b |
IBAN Code |
UA063802690000026003057002716 |
Банки-кореспонденти/correspondent banks |
Рахунок у банку-корреспондента/Account in the correspondent bank |
001-1-000080 |
SWIFT Code банку-корреспондента/SWIFT-code of the correspondent bank |
Банк-корреспондент/correspondent bank |
JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York, USA |
Project Coordinator Lilia Karpenko
tel. +38 (044)050-414-41-51